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Classification and use of injection molding machines

Hits:Updated:2022-04-12 14:04:39【Print】

The injection molding machine has the ability to shape complex plastic products with complex appearance, precise dimensions or metal inserts. It is widely used in national defense, electromechanical, automotive, transportation, building materials, packaging, agriculture, culture and education. People in all areas of daily life. The plastics industry is developing rapidly. The injection molding machine plays an important role in terms of quantity and variety. Its total production accounts for 20%-30% of the entire plastic molding equipment, thus becoming the fastest growing and most productive model in plastic machinery. one. According to relevant statistics, in 1996-1998, China exported 8383 sets of injection molding machines and imported 42959 sets of injection molding machines. In 1998, the output of China's injection molding machines reached 20,000 units, and its sales accounted for the total sales of plastic machines. 42.9%.
There are many manufacturers of injection molding machines in China, and there are more than 2,000 incomplete statistics. The injection molding machine is available in both vertical and horizontal configurations. According to the products produced, they can be divided into ordinary and precision injection molding machines.



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